Lamborghini Raggio 28/34 C

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Lamborghini Raggio 28/34 C is a high-efficiency, low emissions premix condensing heat generator with heat exchanger in s/steel and incorporated DHW production, using natural gas or LPG and equipped with a microprocessor control system. The sealed chamber unit is suitable for indoor installation or outdoors in a partially protected place (according to EN 15502) with temperatures to -5°C (-15°C with optional frost protection kit)

This page contains the technical data sheets and user manuals of the Lamborghini Raggio 28/34 C. The goal of this site is to make available to users the documentation of products that are not always easily available on a single site. By clicking on one of the links you can freely download the technical data sheets or user manuals of the Lamborghini Raggio 28/34 C boiler models. All the technical documentation is the exclusive property of the individual manufacturing companies and is made available exclusively for consultation purposes.


DownloadRAGGIO 28/34 C


DownloadRAGGIO 28/34 C (cod. 3541V281 — Rev. 00 - 10/2022)


DownloadRAGGIO 28/34 C

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